Interview Tips

What does your Enneagram say about your interview prep style?

I'm Jenna

With over 15+ years experience leading people and a HR designation, I have heard and seen it all when it comes to interviews. I'm here to share my interviewing tips, guidance + perspective on prepping for your next job interview.

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You’re prepping for your next job interview and that little voice in your head just won’t shut-off. “Am I preparing enough? I’m not versed enough in this industry or the role. If I don’t get a second interview, what will my friends and family think?”

Interview prep is stressful for some and can feel daunting at times. For others the thought of a possible change in pace and meeting new people can be exciting.

Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, I firmly believe that preparing for your next job interview is key to a successful interview process.

And there’s one thing I know for certain and it’s this ➡️ You know yourself and your experience better than anyone else. This should already make you feel at ease walking into an interview. But I get it, easier said than done.

With all that being said, I want to let you in on a little secret. When I think about knowing my whole, complete self, I think of the Enneagram.

About two years ago I was first introduced to the Enneagram during an interview process. It’s been one of the tools I’ve spent time with to learn why I do the things I do, think the way I think and feel the way I feel.

While we’re just scratching the surface here on the Enneagram, let me guide you in managing your pre-interview doubts using the tool to bring awareness to your common behaviours. And are you into affirmations? Well I’ve included those too for each Enneagram Type to lend a helpful hand through your next interview process.

Ready to get started?

What is the Enneagram?

The enneagram is a personality assessment tool that ‘types’ folks into one of nine different categories. Each type structure describes the way in which people interpret the world based on who they are at their core combined with their life experiences.

It is a tool to support learning more about ourselves and how we relate and connect with others. If you choose to learn more about the Enneagram, you’ll learn where you naturally turn when stressed and in fear and how you behave when you’re feeling motivated and at your best.

This is truly a basic explanation, so if you’re new to the concept, I’ve provided resources at the bottom of this article for you to dive into and highly recommend you take an assessment before reading your Interview Prep Style by Enneagram Type Structure below.

Breaking down Interview Prep Style by Enneagram Type Structure

From here, I’ll assume that you have an idea of what the Enneagram is and maybe you’ve even taken an assessment (see resources below ) or scrolled an Enneagram insta account or two. With your Enneagram Type in mind, it’s time to take a peek below at your Interview Prep Style.

Below you’ll find your natural tendency in preparing for your job interview, including things you say to yourself and affirmations to keep you focused and your doubts at bay.

The Perfectionist || 1

Interview Prep Style: You can never be too prepared and having a detailed plan is best.

Things you say to yourself: “I worry that I don’t have enough time to prep before the first interview.”“Have I prepared enough?”

Pre-interview affirmation: I am worthy of this next step in my career journey.

The Helper || 2

Interview Prep Style: Just over here, preparing for an interview someone said I should apply for and in an hour, I’ll be helping a friend prepare for theirs.

Things you say to yourself: “I wonder if I’m preparing the right way”“I should probably say this because this is what the hiring manager and recruiter will want to hear.”

Pre-interview affirmation: I own my career journey. I deserve the opportunity to interview for this position as much as anyone else.

The Achiever || 3

Interview Prep Style: No problem listing skills and accomplishments, but struggle to come up with failures and honest areas of improvement.

Things you say to yourself: “Here are all the reasons why I’m the best person for the job.”“If I don’t get a second interview, what will my friends and family think?”

Pre-interview affirmation: I am more than my successes and failures.

The Romantic || 4

Interview Prep Style: Contemplating whether or not this position you’re about to interview for will fulfill your purpose.

Things you say to yourself: “I want a job that fills my cup and allows me to be creative.”“Joanna has this type of job and she’s so happy and fulfilled.”

Pre-interview affirmation: This process is one chapter in my greater career journey.

The Observer || 5

Interview Prep Style: Getting lost in the research; reading up on the company, the role, the people who work there.

Things you say to yourself: “I’m not versed enough in this industry or the role.”“I wonder how many people I’m going to have to interview with”

Pre-interview affirmation: I am ready and prepared. My voice is unique and needs to be heard.

The Questioner || 6

Interview Prep Style: Prepared and organized or hesitant and ambivalent for fear of being seen as disloyal.

Things you say to yourself: “What will happen if i don’t know the answer, forget to say (fill in the blank), or say the wrong thing, or hate the job if I get it?”“Not sure if I should leave my current role…I don’t want to disappoint my current manager and peers.”

Pre-interview affirmation: I trust the process and have faith in my ability.

The Adventurer || 7

Interview Prep Style: Prep work? How about skiing, cleaning, shopping, hanging out with friends; prep work sounds boring. Create lists, brainstorms their experience, skills and accomplishments.

Things you say to yourself: “I’ll prep for this role and it’ll set me up if I end up applying for the other role I saw today that seems super exciting.”“Can’t wait to learn all the new things and meet all the new people”

Pre-interview affirmation: My commitment to this role will allow me to create more freedom in my life.

The Protector || 8

Interview Prep Style: A controlled process; an organized approach with the tasks to accomplish in the prep and completed alone.

Things you say to yourself: “I’ve got this.”“I hope this role has as much responsibility as it says it does in the position description.”

Pre-interview affirmation: I have done the work, I have prepared. I will let go of the things I can’t control.

The Peacemaker || 9

Interview Prep Style: I know it’ll get done. I’ll do a little prep today, take a break and start again tomorrow.

Things you say to yourself: “Hmmmm, I wonder what Josh will think of this answer, I should ask him what he thinks.” “I hope I don’t disappoint (blank), if I don’t get this job.”

Pre-interview affirmation: I have what it takes; my value and impact will be seen and felt.

I know we’re just scratching the surface like I mentioned above but I hope this resource supports you in managing your pre-interview doubts by bringing awareness to your common behaviours.

To learn more about the Enneagram, check out the resources below and for more resources and support with Interview Prep and career advice, join the Own The Interview community on Facebook by liking @OTIsocial or follow me on Instagram @owntheinterview


Assessments to learn which Enneagram Type Structure you most identify with:


A statement based assessment having you to rate each statement on a scale with how closely you resonate with it.

Cost | free

Time | 10 mins

Take Assessment

Eclectic Energies

Another statement based assessment having you to rate each statement on a scale with how closely you resonate with it.

Cost | free

Time | 10 mins

Take Assessment

The Essential Enneagram

A paragraph based assessment having you select the paragraphs you most resonate with. This is the online version to one of my favourite starter enneagram books, “The Essential Enneagram” by David Daniels.

Cost | $10

Time | 15-20 mins

Take Assessment

Enneagram Instagram Accounts to follow:






My good friend Rachel (Life Coach and woman of all trades) offers by-donation Enneagram Workshops. Her latest group workshop series on an introduction to the Enneagram begins January 12th, 2021. Follow her on Instagram @rachelhayek_

Sign-up here

Join the Own The Interview community on Facebook by liking @OTIsocial or follow me on Instagram @owntheinterview

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Hi, I'm Jenna.
Your new career and interview prep coach.

I'm incredibly passionate about supporting people to walk into their job interviews with confidence. With 15+ years experience leading people and a HR designation, I have heard and seen it all when it comes to interviews.

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5 Email Scripts to Leverage Through the Interview Process

I know job searching and interviewing can be a lot.
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