
3 steps to create your own development plan

I'm Jenna

With over 15+ years experience leading people and a HR designation, I have heard and seen it all when it comes to interviews. I'm here to share my interviewing tips, guidance + perspective on prepping for your next job interview.

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It can feel lonely at times when you’re looking to grow and develop in your role.

​While the organization you work for may have the best intentions to focus on growth and development, sometimes, those crucial conversations fall by the wayside.​

​✨Now, with that being said, I believe that YOU are responsible for driving your development.

​Of course, the support of your leader, a mentor or a peer is essential; however, without your dedication and commitment ‘to do the work,’ you can forget having or pushing for the conversation.

​By the way, I also believe that to achieve company goals and initiatives, the development and growth of our people are CRUCIAL! It’s challenging to have one without the other.

​Nevertheless, development plans all too often get put on the back burner and don’t forget; it takes two to tango.

​I’ve put together a step-by-step plan to support you in getting started with your development plan and driving this growth conversation.

​Now the HOW of this will require your commitment. Do the work and share with your leader, mentor or peer to support you!

Before you read the following, consider downloading a copy of this in a workbook format. Download your free resource HERE

3 steps to create your development plan:

Step 1: 

  • Identify the role or the position you’re working towards; this may be your current position.
  • Find the job posting or the position description.
  • Print off the document or cut and paste the details into a Google Doc.
  • Highlight the skills, knowledge and experience the role requires. What are these?

Here are some definitions to support you with this step:

SKILLS: the ability to do something well; expertise. 

Examples: self-management, time management

Tip: Google ‘list of competencies’ for your area of work and see if anything is applicable

ABILITIES: talent or proficiency in a particular area. 

Example: leading a meeting or event planning

KNOWLEDGE: the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Examples: a topic, principle, idea, process etc. learned in class or through a book

EXPERIENCE: the practical application of a skill, ability or knowledge gained over a period of time.

Example: You’ve taken a course on project management; now it’s time to implement it in real life

Step 2:

  • Take a look at what you’ve highlighted. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • What skill, ability, knowledge or experience are you lacking?
    • What area do you think you could spend more time honing? 
    • What area do you believe is most vital for you to gain over the next year?
    • What have you acquired knowledge in but haven’t applied it yet?

If you’re feeling stuck on this part, reach out to your mentor, your direct manager or even a peer doing the same type of work. Ask them their thoughts on where you should focus your energy.

Tip: Consider choosing an area to focus on that supports you in getting where you want to be within the next year or two.

Step 3:

Now that you’ve identified the area of focus, consider the following:

  • What is your expected and ideal outcome?
  • What behaviours do you need to do or introduce to make this possible?
  • How will you know you’ve successfully achieved the desired outcome?
  • What can you do in your day-to-day role to gain this skill, hone this ability, apply this knowledge or acquire the necessary experience?
  • What requests do you need to make to your direct manager and co-workers for this to be prioritized?
  • What actions will you take to ensure you keep this top of mind?
    • Examples: making time to reflect on it weekly for 15 minutes, discussing it with your leader, peer or mentor every 2 weeks etc.

Follow these 3 steps, enrol the right people and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to growing your career! Download your free Development Plan workbook HERE

And hey, I’m realistic; I know that not every person has supportive leaders and co-workers working with them. If you’ve been asking yourself, does staying at this organization make sense for me anymore? Is the grass greener over there? will guide you in answering that question. 

Looking for other helpful resources?

Check out the FREE Resume Refresh Challenge. 5 emails, over 5 days to support you in updating your resume.

And follow me over on Pinterest for other templates and resources.

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Hi, I'm Jenna.
Your new career and interview prep coach.

I'm incredibly passionate about supporting people to walk into their job interviews with confidence. With 15+ years experience leading people and a HR designation, I have heard and seen it all when it comes to interviews.

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